
The Surprising Power of Green Shift Ambassador

Kaiyum Rain, Green Shift Ambassador | 2025-01-10



Madhesh, one of the provinces most affected by climate change, is currently facing numerous challenges such as drought, waste pollution, lack of drinking water and rising temperatures. These issues have led to an unbalanced ecosystem, impacting the lives of many.

Youth in Madhesh are facing significant problems due to unemployment, lack of awareness, and unstable government. Many are leaving the country in search of better opportunities. If you ask the current generation about traditional farming practices, most are unaware, except for those studying agriculture. Youth make up a significant percentage of the population in Madhesh.

As a climate campaigner and activist in Madhesh province, I feel a deep sense of responsibility towards my generation and the ones to come. While everyone dreams of a better future for their family, my dream for society, the nation and the world. I believe in being a responsible and accountable youth, dedicated to saving our earth and contributing my energy towards this cause.

Since 2017, I have been actively involved in various social and climate-related activities. I regularly update my social media to raise awareness and encourage youth to be socially responsible and accountable.

Through social media, I got to know about the Green Shift Ambassador initiative by Creasion Nepal. I applied and was selected and also attended  an online orientation training. The challenge was to carry out activities with zero investment. Initially, I spent a week overthinking how to complete this project. However, after visiting the Creasion office and in Kathmandu and receiving guidance, I returned to Janakpurdham with renewed confidence.

I started coordinating with friends Shubham Zha, Aayush Chaudhary, and college teachers. We began our activities at Janakpur Community College and extended them to Sabaila, targeting both urban and rural areas. Sabaila, Bhathihan is my birthplace, and Janakpurdham is my hometown.

Duration of the project August to November we completed various activities such as cleanliness drives, plantation programs, Trash to Treasure competitions, Know Your Plastic sessions, and more.

Being a Green Shift Ambassador was challenging, but it taught me how one youth can contribute energy and knowledge with limited or no resources. I learned a lot about human behavior, contribution, and being a change-maker. Working with children, students, and the community was incredibly rewarding.

I realized that such projects are more needed in rural areas due to community demand. For me, this is not just a project; it’s a long-term commitment. I hope to connect with many organizations and continue working towards better climate and social action.

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फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापनका लागि मिडियाको भूमिका

Anurag Anant | 2024-12-27

मिडियाको आफनै एउटा विशेष सिद्धान्त छ । प्राथमिकता र बढी भन्दा बढी पाठकले पढन् चाहेका विषयवस्तु र समाचार पस्किनु पर्ने समयको आवश्यकता मात्रै होइन कि बाध्यता पनि हो । हुनतः वर्तमानमा पाठक पनि चटपटे समाचारहरु चाख मानेर पढने गरेका छन् । मुलधारको मिडिया होस कि सामाजिक सन्जालमा लेखिएका विषयवस्तु आज भोली भाइरल हुने जामानामा गहन बिषय वस्तु आवश्यकता भन्दा पनि कम उठने गरेको विभिन्न मिडिया कन्टेन्ट अध्ययेताहरुको निष्कर्ष रहेका छन् । 
मासले पढन चाहेको बिषयवस्तु उठाउनु मिडियाको लागि बाध्यात्मक आवश्यकता भए पनि हाम्रो वरिपरी रहेका गम्भीर प्रकृतिका बिषयवस्तु उठाउनु जरुरी छ । त्यस्ता बिषयवस्तुले तत्कालै परिणाम दिन नसकेता पनि भविष्यमा त्यसले पार्ने प्रभावको भार निकै गह्किलो हुने गर्दछ । 

मिडियाका लागि हार्ड न्यूज आवश्यक भएतापनि कृषि, वातावरण, पर्यावरण, जलवायु परिवर्तन, पर्यटन जस्ता विषयवस्तु समाज र देशका लागि दीर्घकालीन रुपमा महत्वपूर्ण बिषय भएको बुझाई मिडियाका मालिकले ध्यान दिन र मनन गर्नु जरुरी छ । 
विश्व बैंकले जारी गरेको एक अध्ययन अनुसार विश्वभरी बार्षिक करिब ४०० मिलियन मेट्रिक टन फोहोर उत्पादन हुने गरेको छ । सन् २०५० सम्म बढेर यसको अनुपात करिब दोब्बर हुने हुने प्रक्षेपण गरिएको छ । जस अनुसार बढी आम्दानी हुने देशहरुमा प्रति व्यक्तिले प्रतिदिन करिब २ देखि ४ केजीसम्म फोहोर उत्पादन गर्ने गरेका छन भने न्यून आय भएका देशहरुमा प्रति व्यक्तिले प्रतिदिन करिब ०.३ देखि ०.५ किलोग्राम फोहोर उत्पादन गर्ने गरेका छन । 

नेपालको सन्दर्भमा भएको एक अध्ययन अनुसार दैनिक करिब २ हजार मेट्रिक टन फोहोर उत्पादन हुनेगरेको छ । जसमध्ये सबैभन्दा बढी फोहोर काठमाडौं महानगरबाट उत्पादन हुने गरको बताइएको छ । यस अर्थमा काठमाडौंका लागि फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापन एक गम्भीर समस्याको रुपमा रहेको यर्थात तपाई हाम्रो सामु प्रस्टैछ । तर, जब जब काठमाण्डौं महानगरबाट उठाइएका फोहोर फाल्ने ठाउँ डिसडोलका जनताले फोहोरमैला फाल्न रोक लगाउँछन तब तब हाम्रो मिडियामा उक्त बिषयवस्तुहरु बढी भन्दा बढी मात्रामा स्थान पाउने गरेका छन । जब, फेरि त्यस्ता बिषयवस्तुहरु अस्थायी रुपमा समाधान उन्मुख हुन्छ, त्यसपश्चात ती बिषयवस्तुहरु दीर्घकालिन समाधानका लागि कुनै पनि फलोअप समाचारहरु प्रायः न्यून मात्रामा मात्रै प्रकाशित भएको पाइन्छ । यसको अर्थ मिडियाको लागि यि र यस्ता विषयवस्तुहरु त्यति प्राथमिकताको बिषय नरहेको एक पाठकको दृष्टिकोणबाट हेर्दा अथ्र्याउन सकिन्छ । त्यसो त मिडियाले चाहेको खण्डमा १ लाई सकारात्मक तरिकाबाट प्रस्तुत गरी ११ बनाउन सक्छन् । तर, कस्ता बिषयलाई १ बाट ११ बनाउने सोचनीय र गम्भीर काम पनि हो । 

अब कुरा गरौं हाम्रो वरिपरी विभिन्न संघसंस्थाहरुले समाज परिवर्तनका लागि गरी रहेका प्रयासहरुको बारेमा । दिनानुदिन विभिन्न संघसंस्थाले हाम्रो परिपरी गर्दै आई रहेका राम्रो र उदाहरणीय कामहरु मिडियाको आँखा अगाडि नै भएतापनि यथोचित स्थान पाउन सकेको छैनन । तर, ति विषयवस्तुहरु तपाई हाम्रो जीवन, जगत र पर्यावरणका लागि निकै महत्वपूर्ण रहेको छ । 
क्रिएसन नेपाल विगत डेढ दशक देखि दिगो विकासका लक्ष्य प्राप्ति तथा प्लास्टिक फोहोरमैला संकलन, व्यवस्थापन क्षेत्रमा काम गर्दै आई रहेको छ । यसै, क्रममा हाल यूरोपियन यूनियन (ईयू)को सहयोगमा सञ्चालित ग्रीनसिफ्ट परियोजनाले मानव जीवन, जगत र पर्यावरणका लागि आवश्यक वातावरण तथा पर्यावरण संरक्षण गर्दै कार्वन उत्सर्जनलाई शून्यमा झार्ने लक्ष्य सहित सञ्चालित प्लास्टिकजन्य फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापन तथा चक्रीय अर्थतन्त्र सम्बन्धी परियोजना ग्रीनसिफ्ट नेपाल सुरु भएको एक बर्षको अवधिमा नै विस्तारै सकारात्मक परिवर्तनको संकेत दिन थालेको क्रिएसनका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष आनन्द मिश्रको भनाई छ । परियोजना अन्तर्गत सञ्चालित गतिविधिले विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरुमा व्यवहारिक परिवर्तन, युवा पैरवी समुहद्धारा स्थानीय स्तरमा सञ्चालन गरेका अभियानहरु, स्थानीय तहको फोहोरमैला नीति निर्माणका लागि फेलोले गरेका प्रयासहरु, शिक्षण अभ्यासका लागि विकास गरिएको जलवायु परिवर्तन तथा चक्रीय अर्थतन्त्र नामक अभ्यास पुस्तिकाले “सिफ्ट” को संकेत देखाएको छ । परियोजना अन्तर्गत ४ बर्षमा ९ स्थानीय तहका ३६ सामुदायिक विद्यालयमा अभ्यास गरिने यस पुस्तिकले मुलुकभरीको करिब ३३ हजार विद्यालयमा  एक साथ फ्रि फ्राइडे बुकको रुपमा लागु गर्न सके फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापन र चक्रीय अर्थतन्त्रको क्षेत्रमा नयाँ क्रान्ती ल्याउन सकिने परिकल्पना गर्न सकिन्छ । 

यसका लागि स्थानीय देखि राष्ट्रिय स्तरका मिडियाले नियमित रुपमा यस्ता सकारात्मक बिषयलाई पत्रपत्रिकामा प्राथमिकताका साथ स्थान दिन सक्नु पर्छ । यस्ता गतिविधिहरुद्धारा निर्मित सकारात्मक परिवर्तनका बिषय मुलुकको पूर्वदेखि पश्चिम र उत्तरदेखि दक्षिण सीमासम्म बराबर रुपमा फैलाउन सकिए जलवायु परिवर्तन, पर्यावरण तथा वातावरण संरक्षणका लागि कोशेढुगां सावित हुने थियो । यसो हेर्दा ग्रीनसिफ्ट अभियान केवल अभियान मात्रै होइन, यो अभियान आम रुपमा प्रत्येक नागरिकले अनुसरण गर्नु पर्ने अभियानको रुपमा रहेको हुनाले यसलाई जोकोहीले पनि अनुसरण गरी अगाडि बढाउँदा कुनै रोकटोक छैन । यस अभियान मार्फत देशव्यापी रुपमा १२ स्कुल बाट ३३ हजार मुलुकभरीको सामुदायिक विद्यालय, ३ युवा समुहबाट ७५३ स्थानीय तहमा युवा पैरवी समुहद्धारा समुदायमा आधारित अभियान र प्रत्येक स्थानीय तहले तथ्यांकमा आधारित फोहोरमैला नीति निर्माणका लागि आवश्यक प्राविधिकको रुपमा खटिएका फेलोले निश्चिय नै तात्विक रुपमा व्यापक परिवर्तनका रेखा कोर्न सफल हुन सक्नेमा दुईमत छैन । यसमा मिडियाले समाज र दिगो देश निर्माणका लागि महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्न जरुरी छ । 

ग्रीनसिफ्ट अभियानका क्रममा देखिएका कतिपय सफलताका कथा र पात्रहरुले निर्वाह गरेका सकारात्मक भूमिका निकै सराहनीय छ । त्यस्ता पात्रका सफलतालाई बाहिर ल्याउन सकिए, त्यसबाट अनेकौं नयाँ पात्रहरु प्रेरणा लिएर अभियानमा हातेमालो गर्न अगाडि सर्थे होलान् । यसका लागि पनि मिडिया हाउसले चटपटे समाचारहरु प्राथमिकतामा राखेता पनि समाज परिवर्तनका उदाहरणीय मानवजीवनलाई भविष्यमा हुन सक्ने संकटबाट जोगाउन वातावरण तथा पर्यावरणका क्षेत्रमा अटुट योगदान गरीरहेका पात्र, अभियान र क्रियाकलापका समाचारहरु निःसन्देह स्थान पाउनु पर्दछ । 

ग्रीनसिफ्ट परियोजना सञ्चालनको पहिलो बर्षमै स्थापित गरेका सफलताका सकारात्मक मानक (माइलस्टोन) लाई सचेतना र अबलम्बनका लागि दायरा बढाउन मिडियाको भूमिका टड्कारो रुपमा अपरिहार्य छ । त्यसो त, ग्रीनसिफ्ट केवल एक परियोजना मात्रै होइन, एक वृहत अभियान पनि हो । तसर्थ, देशैभरीका विद्यार्थी, युवा, नागरिक अभियन्ता, बौद्धिक वर्ग, पेशाकर्मी र सञ्चारजगत मिलेर प्लास्टिकजन्य फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापन र चक्रीय अर्थतन्त्रलाई बढावा दिनका लागि साझा दृष्टिकोण निर्माण गर्दै, सामुहिक नेतृत्व मार्फत अगाडि बढाउन ढिलो गर्नु हुँदैन । फोहोरमैला व्यवस्थापनको लागि चक्रीय अर्थतन्त्र मार्फत ग्रीनसिफ्टका पहलहरु जलवायु परिवर्तन, पर्यावरण तथा वातावरण संरक्षणका लागि नेपालको लागि निकै सान्दर्भिक छ । यसले आय आर्जनसँगै सामुदायमा सचेतनासँगै विद्यालयका विद्यार्थी मार्फत व्यवहारिक परिवर्तन ल्याउन सकिन्छ । 


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Shifts of the Year: GreenShifts for a Sustainable Future

GreenShift Team | 2024-12-08

Yeart 1 has demonstrated the strength of collaboration and shared leadership. Across schools, youth groups, waste enterprises, municipalities, and policy levels, diverse stakeholders have come together to drive meaningful change. The integration of sustainability practices, youth leadership, policy advocacy, and municipal-level action has created a ripple effect that promises to influence national strategies and shape a more sustainable future. 

GreenShifts in Schools: Building a Foundation for Sustainability 

In the past year, schools have become epicenters for sustainable change and driving force for GreenShift campaign, embedding environmental stewardship into their core activities. Key initiatives have included the introduction of waste segregation bins, the implementation of water systems to eliminate plastic bottle use, and the transition from waste burning to formal municipal waste collection. These efforts have been complemented by the switch from plastic lunchboxes to sustainable alternatives, the expansion of green spaces, and a comprehensive ban on single-use plastics. 

A standout achievement has been the continued funding and support for these initiatives by one school, ensuring their long-term sustainability. Collaboration with local municipalities has been pivotal, with the school selected to spearhead these transformative efforts. Formal waste collection services have been secured, and extensive dialogue with the management board, teachers, and students has led to the development of a curriculum designed to foster student leadership in waste management. This has resulted in the creation of waste management guidelines, supported by both financial and technical resources, with the potential to influence national policy on sustainability and waste management. 

GreenShifts in Youth: Empowering the Next Generation 

Youth-led initiatives have ignited a new wave of community-driven sustainability efforts. In Bardibas, a weekly cleanup campaign has been launched, alongside a transformative project to turn Dhapali Tole in Nepalgunj into a model clean and hygienic neighborhood. The first-ever dialogue on waste management in the Gagangunj community also took place, setting the stage for broader community engagement. 

A landmark 12-point pledge to protect the environment and natural resources was signed in Nepalgunj, involving key stakeholders such as local government, schools, the private sector, and traffic police. Youth groups were empowered to lead community-level awareness campaigns, supported with both financial and technical resources. These activities have contributed to the formulation of local policies with the potential to shape national strategies on waste management and environmental protection. 

GreenShifts in Waste Enterprises: Advancing a Circular Economy 

The waste management sector has seen a remarkable transformation, with a focus on internalizing health and safety practices for waste workers and incorporating GESI-friendly workspace requirements into enterprise designs. Efforts to improve financial and environmental compliance, as well as the formalization of waste management businesses, have created a more robust and sustainable waste management ecosystem. 

A key milestone was the organization of a business plan competition, which involved 26 waste enterprises. After rigorous evaluations, 6 finalists emerged, receiving tailored support to develop plans that focus on financial sustainability, environmental compliance, and adherence to GESI guidelines. These enterprises were also equipped to build strategic partnerships, ensuring long-term success and scalability within the waste management sector. 

GreenShifts at Municipalities: Driving Local Change Through the Waste Smart Fellowship 

At the municipal level, the establishment of the Solid Waste Management Committee in Bardibas, under the leadership of the Mayor, marked a major step forward in improving local waste management practices. Working closely with local authorities, waste management directives were formulated and endorsed, setting clear guidelines for municipalities to follow. 

A comprehensive waste mapbook was developed for all first year 3 project municipalities, highlighting critical waste infrastructure, waste collection route, and pinpointing waste hotspots. Additionally, a waste data collection and characterization methodology were piloted in Lalitpur, laying the groundwork for future studies. 

The Waste Smart Fellowship has been central to these efforts, providing fellows with in-depth training in key areas such as GIS mapping, waste management strategies, and circular economy principles. Collaborating with municipalities, these fellows have played a critical role in executing waste management initiatives and ensuring alignment with GESI approaches. 

GreenShifts at Policy Level: Shaping National Policy for Sustainability 

A significant focus this year has been on policy development at the local level. Local Level Solid Waste Management (SWM) policies have been developed across all project areas of year one in close collaboration with municipal governments.  

This collaborative effort has been supported by a series of inception workshops held in Bardibas, Nepalgunj, and Lalitpur, which marked the beginning of a comprehensive policy development process. The project has also conducted extensive research, including waste data collection and focus group discussions, to assess existing policy gaps and inform future policy decisions. Both financial and technical support have been provided to ensure the successful development of these policies, which have the potential to influence national waste management and sustainability strategies. 

These GreenShifts represent a collective commitment to waste management, environmental protection, and the transition to a circular economy. As we move forward, the continued collaboration of all these actors will be essential in amplifying these efforts and securing lasting, impactful change for communities, ecosystems, and economies across the nation. Miles to go before we reach…… 

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How GreenShift Transformed Our School

Subash Karki | 2024-12-01

Subash Karki, a Mathematics teacher at Prabhat Secondary School, Lalitpur, was appointed as the focal teacher for GreenShift's Climate Smart School initiative in 2023. In this role, he has spearheaded environmental transformation in his school, motivating students to adopt sustainable practices. Below is his testimony, shared during the Annual Review and Experience Sharing program:

"Before the GreenShift project, our school lacked any system for plastic waste management or segregation. The issue of unmanaged waste was serious, but it was difficult to bring it to the attention of senior management because environmental concerns weren’t seen as a priority in our academically focused school. Students often brought junk food and carelessly discarded wrappers, which even led to clogged toilets when wrappers were improperly disposed of.

The GreenShift project brought a much-needed transformation. With its support, we established an Eco Club that became the driving force for change. Through the club, we raised awareness across the school about the harmful effects of plastic waste. We successfully introduced a ban on junk food and implemented a penalty system to discourage students from bringing it to school. Additionally, we promoted the use of cotton fibre bags as an eco-friendly alternative to reduce waste generation.

The project also provided a circular economy curriculum workbook filled with practical, interactive activities, which helped students understand waste audits and segregation in a fun and engaging way. The results have been remarkable. The difference between our school before and after GreenShift is like night and day. Today, our school is greener, cleaner, and more sustainable than ever before. Thank you, GreenShift, for empowering us to make this incredible transformation."


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Field Stories

Empowering Waste Management through Youth Leadership: Om Shanti Thapa's Journey as a Waste Smart Fellow in Nepalgunj

Om Shanti Thapa | 2024-09-10

The Green Shift: Circularity of Plastic Waste for Net-Zero Carbon Nepal (GreenShift Nepal) project, funded by the European Union, is spearheading a transition to a circular economy across nine municipalities in Nepal. Implemented by CREASION in partnership with Restless Development and Youth Innovation Lab (YI-Lab), this four-year initiative spans three provinces—Bagmati, Madhesh, and Lumbini—aiming to revolutionize waste management practices. 

At the heart of this transformative effort is the **Waste Smart Fellowship**, a platform designed to empower young people interested in solid waste management, circular economy, environmental sustainability, and climate action. One of these passionate fellows is **Om Shanti Thapa**, currently placed in Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolitan City, where she is helping to drive innovation and policy change in waste management under the GreenShift Nepal Project. 

In her role, Om Shanti works closely with municipal officials, including the environment, sanitation, and solid waste management departments, as well as elected representatives. Her primary focus is on devising innovative solutions for plastic waste collection, mobilizing civil society, and promoting sustainable product design and packaging. 

Assessing Nepalgunj's Waste Management Landscape 

Om Shanti’s journey began with a comprehensive assessment of Nepalgunj’s waste management landscape. She conducted field visits to landfill sites, held interviews with key stakeholders, and analyzed existing policies and guidelines. Through this initial phase, she identified critical gaps in the city’s capacity for waste management, including shortcomings in data collection and monitoring, and the enforcement of the *Solid Waste Management Act 2075*. 

Her efforts culminated in the completion of several key reports, including a **Policy Gap Assessment Report** and a **Data Collection Report**, which laid the groundwork for future strategic actions. Om Shanti also played a pivotal role in organizing a **Stakeholder Dialogue Meeting**, where the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Ward Chiefs, and various waste management stakeholders came together to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing Nepalgunj’s waste management system. 


Key Insights and Recommendations 

During the Stakeholder Dialogue Meeting, Om Shanti highlighted some of the most pressing issues. While the *Solid Waste Management Act 2075* provides a strong foundation, its implementation remains inconsistent, particularly in a rapidly growing city like Nepalgunj. Alongside policy gaps, she pointed out the lack of a robust data collection system, which is essential for tracking progress and making informed decisions. 

Her reports outlined several recommendations, including the need to align local policies with national laws, enhance budget allocation, improve healthcare waste management, and introduce procedural guidelines to streamline waste collection tariffs. Om Shanti also emphasized the importance of data-driven decision-making, preparing a data collection template that would allow Nepalgunj to track waste management efforts more effectively. 


Moving Forward: A Vision for Circularity 

Om Shanti’s work is not just about identifying problems; it’s about envisioning solutions. With her support, Nepalgunj is poised to enhance its waste management system through more effective policies, improved data infrastructure, and a commitment to eco-friendly practices. The municipality is also prioritizing the elimination of illegal dumping and the burning of waste—two significant environmental issues that compromise air quality and public health. 

The Future of Waste Smart Fellows 

For Om Shanti, the Waste Smart Fellowship is more than a professional role—it’s a personal mission. She views this experience as a launching pad for her career in environmental sustainability, driven by her passion for creating a greener, cleaner future. By working directly on the frontlines of waste management, she is gaining invaluable skills and knowledge that will empower her to make a lasting impact in Nepalgunj and beyond. 

“I see the Waste Smart Fellowship as an incredible opportunity to grow both personally and professionally,” she shares. “Working in a field that aligns with my passion for sustainability and the circular economy motivates me to push further. My goal is to transform Nepalgunj into one of the most beautiful and clean cities in Nepal, and I believe this project will help us achieve that.” 

Through the Waste Smart Fellowship, Om Shanti is contributing to the larger mission of GreenShift Nepal—advancing a circular economy and fostering sustainable waste management practices across the country. Her work in Nepalgunj is not only addressing immediate waste management challenges but also laying the foundation for a more resilient and eco-friendly future. 

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बूबःत छथाय् मुनाः समुद्र दयेकी

Maulik Bajracharya | 2024-09-05


जिगु नां मौलिक बज्राचार्य खःजि थौंकन्हय् यल महानगरय् च्वनाच्वनागु दुजिं थःत छम्ह सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता व जिम्मेवार युवाया रुपय् म्हसीका बियाजि छम्ह ल्याय्म्ह जूगुलिं आःया समाज व देय्या मेरुदण्डया रुपय् थःत म्हसीके थ्व छिगु हे खःथःगु कर्तव्य व जिम्मेवारी पूवंकेत जि न्हू पला युवा खल ले आबद्ध जुवा च्वोनागु दु |जिं न्हू पला युवा खल य सचिवकथं स्वानाच्वना  दू  

न्हू पाला युवा खलः म्हसीका, मू आदर्श कथं "समाजया नितिं युवा" ख | थ्व हे मू आदर्श खः ले च्वोना वि .स २०७७/०९/१६ गते गैर सरकारी संस्था या रुपं पलिस्था जुल | थ्व संस्थाया परिभाषा “ New Step Towards New Beginning “ ख | संगठनय् ११ म्ह ज्यासना पुच :या दुज : नापं ५० प्लस स्वंय अप्व : दुज : व स्वयंसेवकत् दुगुजुल |यो संस्था आशिष बज्राचार्य को अध्यक्षतामा संचालन हुदै आइरहेको छ ।झीगु संस्थाया मू आज्जु धइगु समाजय् उल्लेखनीय हिउपाः हयेगु, युवातय्त प्रेरणा बीगु, विपद् व्यवस्थापनया नापनापं शिक्षा ख्यलय् नं योगदान बीगु खःथ्व हे उद्देश्ययात साक्षीया रुपय् बिचाः यानाः जिमिसं थीथी ज्याझ्वः क्वचायेकागु दु । थ्व आः थी थी ज्याझ्वः अन्तर्गतया मू ज्याझ्वः” GREENSHIFT PROJECT” ख | 

युरोपेली संघया मू आर्थिक ग्वाहालि,क्रिएसन नेपाल , रेस्त्लेस देभेलोप्मेंट  र युथ इनोवेशन ल्याब को सहकार्यय् संचालन जुयाच्वंगु थुगु ज्याझ्वलय् जिपिं नं सहयात्री जुयाच्वनागुलिं तसकं लय्तायाआःया समाजय् प्लाष्टिकया छ्यलाबुला म्हो यायेगुथुकिं जुइगु हानि बारे जनचेतना न्यंकेगु, समाधान मालेगुसमाजयात प्लाष्टिक मुक्त यायेगु थुगु परियोजनाया मू आज्जु खः 

थुगु परियोजना अन्तर्गत जिमिसं थीथी ज्याझ्वः न्ह्याका वयाच्वनागु दु ।थ्व ज्याझ्वः अन्तर्गत जनचेतनाया नितिं कला धेंधेंबल्लाः, लिपि धेंधेंबल्लाःजनचेतना भिडियो निर्माण क्वचायेकाः वइगु दिनय् अझ नं फाइदाजनक ज्याझ्वः न्ह्याकेगु निर्णय यानागु दु । 

थुपिं ज्याझ्वःत न्ह्यानाच्वंगु इलय् प्रभावकारी उद्देश्य दुगु थुगु ज्याझ्वलय् छम्ह सहयात्री जुयाच्वनागुलिं जि तसकं लय्ताया व भाग्यमानी तायेकाजिं थुगु परियोजना दुने यक्वं स्थायी ज्ञान कायेत ताःलाकागु दु ।थुगु परियोजना अन्तर्गत जिं प्लाष्टिकया छ्यलाबुला म्हो यायेगु, लैंगिक समानता कायम यानाः ज्याझ्वः संकलन यायेगु, प्लाष्टिकया छ्यलाबुला म्हो यायेगु, थःगु बिचाःयात संचार माध्यमय् गथे यानाः थ्यंकेगु धइगु सयेकागु दु ।थुकथं जिं प्राप्त यानागु ज्ञान जिगु नितिं व्यक्तिगत रुपं व संस्थागत रुपं तसकं हे फाइदाजनक जूगु अनुभव यानागु दु ।जिमिसं सयेकागु खँयात न्ह्याकाच्वनागु ज्याझ्वलय् लागू यानाच्वनागु दु, उकिं जिं नं सुगन्धयात लुँइ घर्षण यायेगु ज्या यानागु महसुस यानागु दु । 

थ्व परियोजनापाखें जिं महसुस यानागु दु कि झीगु समाजयात हिलेगुछुं सकारात्मक ज्या यायेगु मू भूमिका थ्व देय्या युवातय्गु खः ।झी ल्याय्म्हतय्सं याये मास्ति वःसा समाज व देय्यात परिवर्तनया लँपुइ यंके फइ पक्का नं खः ।वर्तमान समाजया न्ह्यलुवा जुयाः हरेक ल्याय्म्हतय्के देशय् योगदान बीमाः, समाज हिलेमाः, थःगु मातृभूमिया रक्षा यायेमाः, सफा यायेमाः, भविष्यया नितिं स्वच्छ जुइमाः धइगु आदर्श दयेमाः धइगु जिगु धारणा दु ।थ्व आदर्शया साक्षी जुयाः थःगु योगदान बियाच्वंपिं झीगु समाजय् नं ज्वलन्त दसुत दु ।अथे हे झीसं नं थःगु फुगु योगदान बीमाः 

झीसं चिचीधंगु ज्याखँ न्ह्याकाः तःधंगु हिउपाः हयेत सक्षम जुइ, गथेकि "बूबःत छथाय् मुनाः समुद्र दयेकी" ।थुकिया नितिं समाजप्रतिया महत्वदायित्वया साक्षी जुयाः सकल ल्याय्म्हत छथाय् मुनेमाल जिगु विचाः खः 

लिपांगु इलय् जि  क्रिएसन नेपाल , रेस्त्लेस देभेलोप्मेंट  र युथ इनोवेशन ल्याब यात ठुजागु उद्देश्यपूर्ण व परिवर्तनशील बिचाः दुगु परियोजनाय् झीत दुथ्याकाः हिउपाः हयेगु मौका बियादीगुलिं एकदम ल्येताइगु दिनय् झीत आपालं ह्वःताः चूलाकाः योगदान यायेत प्रोत्साहित जुइगु भलसा कयाच्वना इगु दिनय् झीत आपालं ह्वःताः चूलाकाः योगदान यायेत प्रोत्साहित जुइगु भलसा कयाच्वना 



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My Journey with GreenShift Nepal - Surendra Sah

Surendra Shah | 2024-09-05

Hello, my name is Surendra Sah. I am from Ward No. 14 of Bardibas Municipality and currently serve as the president of Bardibas Youth Network. Working on sanitation and waste management in collaboration with GreenShift Nepal has provided me with many positive experiences. I have learned and understood a lot through this collaboration. The journey has been enjoyable and memorable. Compared to before, Bardibas Municipality is now becoming much cleaner and more organized.

Bardibas Youth Network organizing a weekly cleaning campaign

After we began our work, we developed and passed a sanitation and waste management guideline, which will help in managing waste and keeping the area clean more effectively in the future. Through this partnership, we got the opportunity to carry out many significant activities. We organized tree-planting programs, conducted weekly cleaning campaigns, performed awareness-raising street dramas, and shared information about TagMe. This campaign has made a significant impact on the community and will continue to inspire efforts to keep the area clean.

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My Role in a Greener Tomorrow - Aasha Sah

Aasha Sah | 2024-08-30

Earlier, I was concerned about the waste management situation in Bardibas. It was during this time that I got the opportunity to join the GreenShift project, which primarily focuses on plastic waste management. I hoped that this project could bring some positive changes to my community and myself, and now I truly feel that change, which makes me extremely happy.

With the support of this project and our dedication, we have managed to improve waste management to some extent. We helped set up a recycling center, organized dustbins on the streets, and succeeded in bringing about positive changes in people's behavior. Along the way, we faced various challenges—some people ignored us, and some even mocked our efforts. But as they say, "Hard work never goes in vain," we overcame every challenge and ultimately achieved our goals, and now I see that everyone is appreciating our work.

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Field Stories

Rasti’s Journey to Becoming a Climate Action Leader

Rasti Buda Magar | 2024-08-03

Rasti Buda Magar grew up in Nepalgunj, a bustling town where the environment often took a backseat to rapid urbanization. As a child, she saw people casually toss wrappers and trash on the streets, including herself. Climate change and environmental protection were concepts she learned about in school, but they seemed distant and irrelevant to her everyday life. Like many of her peers, she didn’t see how her individual actions could make a difference. However, since her childhood, she was driven by her desire to make a meaningful impact in the community.

In 2019, Rasti joined a local organization in Nepalgunj called “Nice Nepalgunj” that addressed waste management and environmental issues in the community. Rasti joined the organization as a volunteer and later became its Treasurer. The group focused on making Nepalgunj cleaner and greener, organized community orientation and municipal-level workshops. Rasti got associated with the GreenShift project in 2023, when Nice Nepalgunj was selected as one of the Youth Advocacy Groups under GreenShift.

"GreenShift has been a game-changer for our environmental work. The innovative approaches they’ve introduced, like the TagMe app, have given us the tools we need to make a real impact. Mapping waste and using that data to advocate with the local government has been incredibly effective. It’s inspiring to see how technology can be used to drive positive change."

As part of the GreenShift project, Rasti seized the opportunity to participate in policy reform discussions and work directly with government officials. This experience gave her the confidence to raise her voice on issues she once thought were beyond her reach. Rasti began advocating for stronger environmental policies and urging the government to listen to the concerns of young climate activists like herself.

"I used to think our environmental issues were someone else’s responsibility, but GreenShift and my work with Nice Nepalgunj have changed my perspective. If we don’t act, who will? It’s our future at stake, and young people like us are in the best position to address climate change."

Today, Rasti is more than just a Treasurer at Nice Nepalgunj—she is a climate action leader in her community. Her journey from a young girl who once littered without a second thought to a climate advocate has inspired many others in Nepalgunj to take action. Thanks to Rasti and her team, waste management and environmental sustainability have become part of the local conversation, with growing support for initiatives that promote a cleaner, greener future.

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Navigating his place and Sparking Changes

Samyog Dhakal | 2024-07-23

Samyog Dhakal's journey exemplifies the transformative power of youth in driving positive change. At just 25 years old, this environmental science graduate from Damak, Jhapa, embraced an opportunity that would take him far from his comfort zone.

Despite having moved to Kathmandu for his studies, Samyog didn't hesitate when offered a position as a Waste Smart Fellow in Bardibas—a city entirely new to him. His willingness to relocate showed his adaptability and commitment to making a difference.

Samyog's passion for environmental issues, particularly waste management, had been cultivated during his bachelor's studies. Now, armed with knowledge and driven by a desire to contribute meaningfully to society, he saw this role as the perfect opportunity to translate his academic insights into real-world impact.

This young man's story serves as an inspiring example of how the younger generation can spark action and lead the charge in addressing critical environmental challenges. By stepping out of his familiar surroundings and into a new community, Samyog positioned himself at the forefront of local sustainability efforts, ready to apply his expertise where it was needed most.

 Establishing his place

Samyog's journey as a Waste Smart Fellow in Bardibas began with a realization that, the city faces significant waste management challenges. Despite visible issues, initiatives for waste management were notably absent. This gap motivated him to choose Bardibas Municipality for a seven-month fellowship, aiming to create a visible impact and drive positive change. His background includes work with private entities and public companies, but this was his first grassroots experience with local government.


While Samyog's professional background included experience with both private entities and public companies, this fellowship marked his first foray into grassroots work with local government. It was a new frontier that promised both challenges and opportunities for growth.


The initial weeks in Bardibas proved challenging for Samyog. He found himself navigating unfamiliar territory, both literally and figuratively. From finding his bearings in a new city to establishing connections with key individuals, each day presented its own set of hurdles. However, amidst these challenges, Samyog found an invaluable ally in Mr. Dharamnada Joshi, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). Mr. Joshi's unwavering support became a cornerstone of Samyog's early experiences, helping him overcome obstacles and find his footing.


In a bold move that speaks volumes about his faith in Samyog, Mr. Joshi thrust the young fellow into the spotlight merely three days into his tenure. Samyog was tasked with delivering a 15-minute presentation at a local event, where he introduced GreenShift Nepal, discussed plastic waste management issues and potential solutions, and expounded on the concept of circular economy. This early exposure proved instrumental, allowing Samyog to quickly establish his presence and credibility among community members and ward representatives.


This not only showcased Samyog's adaptability and knowledge but also set the tone for his impactful work in the months to come. It marked the beginning of a journey that would see him transform from an outsider to a pivotal figure in Bardibas's waste management landscape.


Sensitizing and Connecting:


As a Waste Smart Fellow, Samyog aimed to promote the idea of circular economy among municipal executives and representatives. After weeks of office work, he decided to engage with the community. Leveraging his experience as a Rotarian, he connected with the Rotaract Club of Bardibas to spread awareness about the project and the circular economy initiative. This community engagement led to further connections and opportunities to inform locals about waste management plans and policies.


Policy and Data Collection:


In the office, he gathered policies, budgets, and documents related to waste management. He  found a seven-year-old contract between the municipality and a private company, which promised machinery like incinerators and segregators, and the development of a landfill site and organic composting facilities. Samyog then prepared a policy and data gap report on waste management and presented it at a Municipal Executive Meeting. This presentation highlighted the detrimental impact of waste dumping in the river and led to the promise of formation of a waste management committee.


Sparking Action:


Research revealed that the project stalled due to internal issues and a lack of pressure from locals on representatives. The private company had purchased machinery but awaited the municipality’s development of necessary infrastructure. Meetings with the contractor in Kathmandu provided insights into the project's status, which Samyog relayed to municipal officials and the community. Despite initial indifference, community members organized a protest—the first in Bardibas concerning waste management. This action prompted the government to take the issue seriously.


Moving Forward:


Samyog facilitated a visit from the company manager to the municipality, resulting in a positive response from the mayor and a commitment to allocate budget for the project, set to start by the end of July. With two months left in his fellowship, the project is now on track. Samyog continues to collect data, develop maps, and fulfill tasks outlined in his Terms of Reference.




In Samyog’s words, he writes: “As my fellowship in Bardibas Municipality nears its end, the momentum for positive change in waste management has only just begun”. The groundwork laid through policy gap analysis, community engagement, and collaboration with the contractor has set the stage for the project's revival. The upcoming budget allocation and the company’s renewed commitment signal a new chapter for Bardibas' waste management system.


This experience underscores the power of individual initiative within local governance. By bridging the gap between the municipality and the community and holding authorities accountable, even short-term interventions can spark significant progress. The next few months will be crucial in translating plans into action. However, the community's heightened awareness and the municipality's commitment to the project provide a strong foundation for Bardibas to embrace a circular economy and responsible waste management practices.



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Inter-School Quiz Competition|Lalitpur

CREASION | 2024-07-19
On 19th July, the GreenShift team organized an Inter-School Quiz Competition at our four Climate Smart Schools in Lalitpur.
Our young Climate Smart Warriors dove into a whirlwind of environmental trivia. The atmosphere was electric as students tested their green knowledge, buzzing with enthusiasm and friendly rivalry.
Laughter, learning, and a whole lot of fun filled the air, making it a memorable day for everyone.
We are proud of our Young Climate Smart Warriors, who showcased incredible passion and energy for the environment.
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I, Ganga Gajmer

Ganga Gajmer | 2024-07-11

Namaste! I am Ganga Gajmer from Madhesh Pradesh, Mahottari District, Bardibas Municipality, Ward No. 5. I have been involved in Bardibas Youth Network for the past 3 months and have been participating in various activities. Bardibas Youth Network is a "Group of Youth", which has been making an important contribution to make the youth creative, conscious and responsible citizens. 

When I joined this organization, I realized that as a citizen of this country, I have the ability to make positive and long-term changes in the society and the country and that I have to start with myself, and I started to engage in social work. Youth hold a zeal and enthusiasm in and the ability to face different challenges in the country. Bardibas Youth Network has taught everyone to be responsible and good citizens by developing leadership and capacity building of youth.

Being part of the Bardibas Youth Network, I got a chance to connect with the GreenShift Nepal project. Bardibas Youth Network has been doing various public awareness programs under the GreenShift project funded by the European Union with consortium organizations Creasion Nepal, Restless Development, and Youth Innovation Lab. We have completed the cleanliness drive and Clean-up programs, and we have also conducted a public awareness street drama. Further, we have  planned to hold various programs in the future. Through all of these activities, I have had the chance to learn various things such as, wastes should not be littered, should be managed separately from biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, emphasis should be placed on planting trees, we should also clean our river channels, we should change our behavior, etc. When I came to know about Tag me app, we learned how waste can be turned into money, how waste can be used as a source of income, and I have also suggested my friends to use and make good use of this app.

Throughout the planning and implementation of activities, we have faced various problems as well. Problems and challenges have arisen such as the lack of interest from the locals, lack of interest from industry and commerce associations, etc. However, despite these cahllenges, Bardibas Youth Network has continued to move forward with its activities.

And finally, I would like to express my special thanks to GreenShift Nepal for giving me the opportunity to work together with the Bardibas Youth Network, on behalf of myself and our organization, may we have the opportunity to collaborate and move forward in new projects in the coming days.

 Thank you!

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Field Stories

My Journey as a Waste Smart Fellow for LMC (Lalitpur Metropolitan City)

Awanish Adhikari | 2024-06-29

Starting as a Waste Smart Fellow for Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC) was an emotional rollercoaster. My initial assignment at the Balkumari Waste Collection Center, due to space limitations at LMC, was overwhelming. The center processes around 60 tons of waste daily, and the intense smell made it difficult to work. After just two days, I had to take a leave. However, with the assistance of Pradeep Amatya, a Senior Environmental Engineer, I was relocated to the Nagar Gaurab office of LMC. Despite the initial hurdles, my brief stint at Balkumari became a valuable learning experience. 

One significant issue that stood out was the lack of a proper Waste Segregation Plan. The cramped space where vehicle parking and waste collection coexisted was far from ideal. Yet, this challenge presents a unique opportunity for improvement. According to Surendra Amatya, the Manager of the Balkumari Collection Center, Lalitpur has the potential to transform its waste management system with more than 20 Ropani of land, an integrated segregation plan, and a separate parking area for waste vehicles. 

I reviewed LMC's policies and created a comprehensive Policy Gap Assessment Report using data from the LMC Environment Department. Interviews with waste workers at Balkumari revealed significant progress in their involvement in training, awareness programs, and personal safety measures. While conditions are not yet perfect, the improvements are notable. 

Mayor Chiribabu Maharjan highlighted LMC's plan to manage its waste internally by creating its landfill site at Pharsi Dol, Bungmati. Unfortunately, this site was deemed inoperable due to the 13 km and 13-degree rule designed to ensure aircraft safety by minimizing the risk of bird strikes. Landfills attract birds, posing a hazard to flight safety. LMC has also conducted studies on appropriate technologies and plans to transition from a linear to a circular economy, aiming to enhance the city's waste management and environmental health. 

My first day was challenging, but it provided invaluable insights into the issues and potential solutions for waste management in Lalitpur. This journey underscores the importance of perseverance and innovation in addressing urban waste challenges, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future for Lalitpur. 

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Mahendra Uprety | 2024-05-10

Plastic has become an integral part of modern life, profoundly altering the way we live compared to centuries ago. Its convenience, affordability, and durability have revolutionized our consumption habits, replacing traditional materials and transforming our interactions with products. Leo Baekeland's invention of the first plastic in 1907 marked the beginning of this transformative era. The use of plastic increased after World War I, especially in shipping and packaging, marking the beginning of a widespread adoption of the material. However, this reliance on plastic has brought significant environmental consequences, notably plastic pollution and its enduring impact on ecosystems. In the 21st century, plastics continue to play a crucial role, not only on Earth but even extending to the Moon. As stewards of the future, youth hold a pivotal role in addressing the issues of plastic pollution and driving meaningful change to ensure a sustainable future for our planet.

Young people possess the potential to drive change by raising awareness about the detrimental effects of single-use plastics within their communities, cultivating a culture of environmental awareness. They can take the lead in combating pollution by employing various strategies, honing their research skills, and sharing knowledge within their peer circles. Encouraging the adoption of the '3Rs' principle - reduce, reuse, and recycle - is paramount. By promoting sustainable practices and advocating for alternatives to single-use plastics, youth can make a significant impact. While leveraging the latest technologies and tools can address the issue in the short term, the ultimate goal is to find green solutions. Therefore, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among like-minded individuals is crucial. By investing their ideas, young people can pioneer sustainable solutions and technologies to tackle the plastic crisis effectively. Additionally, youth should be trained to categorize items as either waste or valuable resources based on their potential for reuse, regardless of their perceived capabilities.

GreenShift Nepal tackles plastic pollution by partnering with youth groups. These groups engage in various local-level activities, including awareness programs, street dramas, and environmental research. They advocate for environmental issues within local government and collaborate with schools, community-based organizations (CBOs), international NGOs (INGOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to broaden their impact.

Youth have the potential to catalyze positive change towards a cleaner and greener environment. The concept of the circular economy is designed to prioritize regeneration and restoration, aiming to emulate Earth's natural patterns within our economic structure. This involves shifting cultural and attitudinal patterns in both consumption and creation. Collaboration is key to achieving circularity. Information exchange among consumers, developers, manufacturers, recyclers, government, and other stakeholders throughout a product's lifespan is essential. In the context of Nepal, all levels of government must collaborate to establish rules and regulations that involve youth in the circular economy. While current recycling efforts can reduce plastic waste in landfills, true transformation requires organized systems that drive shifts in behavior and the economy. By embracing green solutions and leading by example, youth can pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

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By Heemani Mukhia | 2024-02-09

'When the well's dry, we know the worth of water' - Benjamin Franklin.

The foundation of life itself hinges upon water. It's the essence that kickstarts and ceases our existence. With our bodies composed of roughly 60% water, its significance to our survival is undeniable. Every living organism relies on water for sustenance, growth, and reproduction. Despite our recognition of its value, our actions fall short of conserving this precious resource. Water scarcity looms as our water reserves deplete at an alarming rate, jeopardizing the prospects of future generations. Only 0.5% of Earth's water is readily available freshwater, and climate change poses a dire threat to this already limited supply. Reflecting on the report of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), terrestrial water storage, soil moisture, snow, and ice, have dwindled at a rate of 1 cm per year, presenting grave implications for water security over the past two decades. In February 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a stark warning that water shortages, already a persistent challenge for half of the world's population at various times throughout the year, may exacerbate further. This crisis is attributed to increasingly erratic rainfall patterns and the intensification of extreme weather events, such as flash floods, and droughts.

Similarly, Nepal once abundant in water resources, now grapples with water stress. Water resources have degraded rapidly over the past few decades. Rivers, streams, and springs have dried up and are affected by plastic pollution. According to the IPO conference series of 2024, only 11% of the glacier ice reserve will remain by 2200 in Nepalese Himalayas. Meanwhile, Nepal's vulnerability to climate change is heightened by its topography, extreme climatic conditions, and hazards, including the limited capacity of marginalized populations to adopt adaptation measures and challenges related to political conflict and governance. Climate change poses significant concerns for water resources and security. While its effects are felt globally, the severity varies widely across different regions. Particularly vulnerable are areas that are heavily reliant on rainfall and stream flow. This vulnerability is notably pronounced in western Nepal. As an agrarian country, this raises an issue of food insecurity thus, both international donors and the government emphasize the urgent need for irrigation development.

A study conducted in the Babai River watershed in western Nepal revealed projections indicating a noteworthy increase in average annual temperature, rainfall, and river flow throughout this century. This projection suggested a rise in temperature ranging from 1.5°C to 4.7°C, alongside rainfall hikes of 15% to 25%, and river flow of 24% to 37%. Despite the anticipated rise in average annual rainfall, the region faces predictions of heightened drought occurrences during winter months and more intense rainfall during the monsoon season, aligning with broader trends across the Indian subcontinent. Nepal is grappling with the adverse impacts of climate change, evidenced by temperature and precipitation fluctuations, overbank flooding from snow-fed rivers, and fluctuations in the quantity of available water resources. This has adversely affected our natural systems and also vital sectors like agriculture, forestry, and biodiversity conservation, which directly impacts people's livelihoods in the long run.

As we confront the imminent threats posed by climate change, we must remain conscientious of our daily water consumption and our role in preserving this vital resource. While water reserves have not yet been completely depleted, the responsibility lies with us to conserve in every possible manner, minimizing our usage and refraining from wasteful practices. By doing so, we prioritize the needs of future generations and contribute to the sustainable management of this precious elixir of life.

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By Prakriti Koirala | 2024-01-19
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